
Thursday, January 15, 2009

SUN : Turn green to gold

Sun recently built new energy-efficient datacenters in the UK, India, and the United States, compressing a total of 152 datacenters (202,000 square feet) into 14 new centers (76,000 square feet), resulting in a 60 percent reduction in overall power consumption — which cut utility bills by $860,000 USD in the first nine months. The new datacenters also reduced new construction requirements at existing facilities, a cost avoidance of $9 million USD. The new facilities will reduce carbon emissions by 3,227 metric tons annually, according to Dean Nelson, Sun's Director of Global Lab and Datacenter Design Services.

Sun is also leading the industry in designing eco-responsible products that cut negative environmental impacts without sacrificing performance, scalability, and reliability. This overarching focus applies not only to our products, but also to our services. We will continue to expand our range of services that deliver significant cost benefits to customers, while being sensitive to the environment — because it makes good business sense for everyone involved.

For example, Sun's Eco Innovation and Virtualization solutions are helping customers around the world lessen the impact of IT on the environment. With innovative technologies and services, and a proven philosophical commitment to greener IT, Sun offers customers a clear and actionable path to reducing energy costs and IT environmental impact.

Sun has also established specific product-related eco-efficiency goals that we are working to achieve over the next several years:
  • Sun intends to introduce new products that offer 30 times more performance while using one-tenth the energy and generating half the heat compared to products offered in 2003.
  • We will implement a thin-client IT architecture — where processing takes place on the network — in all Sun facilities, to significantly reduce both power and materials consumption.
We encourage you to learn more about Sun's efforts to reduce datacenter energy consumption and get your own initiatives underway. Greening the datacenter doesn't have to be expensive; it doesn't have to be time-consuming; it need not add significant burdens to your already overworked staff. You may find it's far simpler than you imagined to turn green to gold.
© Sun Inner Circle : Eco-Managing your datacenter

Disclosure: уже пол-года как пользуюсь двумя такими приятными продуктами как VirtualBox и FreeNX. Теперь дело за малым - найти ящик с четырьмя камнями и без вентиляторов: не люблю когда гудит.

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