Sadly, that is the way the system works, from the Fed, to the Treasury, to Bank CEOs, to ex-governors like Rod Blagojevich (who did step too far over the line), to presidents of the United States like Nixon: "It's not illegal when the president does it", to George Bush and Obama who clearly did not/do not care what the Constitution even says.После этого идет замечательный список постов Майка, похожих по тематике на вопли маркет тикера.
In essence, this is a vote-buying scheme by the Status Quo: the top 1% control the policies of the State in alliance with the State's own Elites, and together they buy the complicity of the bottom 60% to passively accept their dominance.Аналогичный анализ, в целом занятно, но воплей намного меньше.
This is the worst of all possible simulacra of democracy. In the Wikipedia entry linked above, Mancur Olson is cited as arguing in The Logic of Collective Action that narrow and well organized minorities are more likely to assert their interests over those of the majority.
In other words, the top 1% Financial Plutocracy asserts its interests over the 99% and then buys the complicity of the bottom 60% with largesse paid for by the top 19% of earners.