There's that sideline cash nonsense again. Sideline cash does not come into the market except at IPO time and secondary offerings. Otherwise there is a seller for every buyer. If someone buys $50 million of Microsoft with "sideline cash" someone else will have $50 million in "sideline cash" to buy stocks with. I remain amazed at the number of people who manage money that do not know how the stock market even works.
(с) Michael Shedlock, Unrelenting Bullishness
Share prices do not move up because sideline cash comes in (because it can't happen in the first place). Share prices rise or fall because buyers or sellers are more aggressive in what they are willing to do. In other words shares are repriced and sentiment is the driving force.
(с) Michael Shedlock, Sideline Cash Theory Revisited
Стоки не всасывают деньги пока идут вверх, так как если кто-то умудряется продать дороже, то зарабатывает он не на акции как таковой, а на дураке который купил. Более реальная дефляция (тобишь высасывание денег из системы, разрушение богатства) начинается во время паники, когда дураков совсем уже нет, а деньги нужны.